Reviews, Recipes and Miscellany

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Review: 2-Door

Am Stuck on duty today, so I don't think I'll get the chance to do much reviewing or recipe-writing this weekend. To compensate, I shall pull out one of the old reviews.

2-Door is the successor to the now defunct Restaurant Duo in Club Street, and their card boldy states: "redefining the pleasures of food and wine". They should have redefined something more basic though, as the notepads the waiters were using to take down orders still had "Duo" printed on them.

That said, however, 2-Door does offer some creative modern European cuisine, at prices that won't break your neck. They've inherited Duo's decor, meaning that there are many cosy alcoves for couples to share a tête-à-tête dinner. There are also tables and rooms that accomodate larger groups, for the less intimately-inclined.

My first course was a Potage Provençal, a slightly pretentious name for what was essentially, a soup containing mixed vegetables. Pretty well-priced at $8, but don't expect too much from mixed vegetables (3/5).

Feeling very traditional in this house of redefined epicurean pleasures, I opted next for a roast lamb rack ($29). Unfortunately, I wasn't very impressed by this effort (3/5). I maintain higher standards for things I feel can cook well, and roast lamb rack happens to be one of them.

Dessert took the form of a flourless chocolate gateau, that, for $12, is a little on the high side. This as well, I found to be pretty average (3/5).

However, before you write off the food is completely pedestrian, there is something to said for ordering the right food at certain restaurants. For instance, the signature foie gras ($28) was quite excellent (4.5/5); though perhaps not as generous as it could have been, and the cream of garlic was a nice surprise as well (4.5/5). Sweet, and not at all pungent, as one might have expected. I have tried, and failed, to replicate this dish.

2-Door's location in Club Street is inconvenient if you're taking public transport, but probably not much of a problem if you're going in a car.

In terms of ambience, it is very pleasant, and the architecture is very Zen-like; lots of dark wood and mellow yellow lighting.

Service, though, was indeed disappointing, though I hope it was because they were a new restaurant when I went, and that standards have since picked up.

2-Door (modern European)
38 Club Street
Tel: 6224 4428
Location: 2.5/5
Service: 2/5
Ambience: 4/5
Food: 3.5/5
Overall: Good for couples

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