Reviews, Recipes and Miscellany

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Plug: Pitstop Cafe

When I visited Korea three years ago, my cousins and I came across a "game cafe", a place where people (teens and young adults, mostly) could hang out over a cup of coffee, a simple meal and a game. An astonishing array of games, from Monopoly to Risk to Jenga to ones I'd never seen or heard before, as well as sections for video games and live soccer matches meant that one could effectively while away hours in the company of friends and pseudo-intellectual pursuits.

My cousin was so intrigued by the idea that he almost considered starting one in Singapore, only to discover that Settlers' Cafe had beat him to it.

Still, the memory stuck, and when I came across Pitstop Cafe, I felt obliged to drop in to take a look. I learned that the cafe had been previously plugged (enthusiastically) by Cowboy Caleb, so I can't imagine why it's taken me so long to take a look.

I'm not sure if it is the lingering memory of my Korea trip, hostess Evelyn's delightful friendliness, an inate attraction to offbeat eateries, a deep respect for student entrepreneurs, a sympathy towards fellow bloggers, or all of the above, but I decided to offer to plug them on this blog.

The Pitstop Crew (as the management call themselves) were kind enough to respond with some information about this quirky but cosy cafe. But first, my own thoughts.


Located in Circular Road, above an eatery specialising in char siew, you'll definitely miss the cafe if you weren't looking out for it or had already heard about it. Location is a big problem, as I imagine their target customers (students and young 'uns) rarely venture into the CBD for meals. Very wisely, the Pitstop Cafe usually only opens for dinner, though lunches are served Friday through Sunday.


I didn't have a chance to try out the food or coffee, or try out the games, but photos of the food and people enjoying themselves certainly appeared convincing. The accounts of the staff attending barrista courses and a detailed blog post about coffee certainly is persuasive too. Prices seem fairly reasonable.


Now, what the Pitstop Crew have to say about themselves:

"Pitstop Cafe offers a cosy and homely ambience in which friends can gather together to enjoy the fun of playing boardgames. It offers a wide selection of games, great food, gourmet coffee and premium ice creams.

The cafe offers value of money meals like fish and chips, chicken chops and steaks starting from $6.90. There are also set meal and a selection of game packages available. The sweet desire package for example comes with triple scoop sundae from new zealand natural, a soft drink and 2 hours of gaming at only $10 per pax.

The cafe is set up by a group of friends consisting of both graduates and undergraduates, with the hope of doing and trying out to run a business together.

We are located at 14B Circular Road Singapore 043970 and can be contacted at 65355383. You can check our blog for more details

So, if you're ever in the area, or if you're looking for something different during a night out with friends, drop by the Cafe for an affordable and enjoyable evening!

Disclaimer: All photos provided by Pitstop Cafe.

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