Reviews, Recipes and Miscellany

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I have never owned a dog. My only claim to one, is an emotional-timeshare in Murray, who lives with my ex-housemates, in our college house in Menlo Park. My roommate wrote me one day, a few years after I had returned to Singapore, to say they were giving up their city townhouse and moving back to the suburbs. Oh and by the way, she had bought a labradoodle.

That's right, a furry, ringlety, docile teddy bear of an attention-loving dog. An Obama Dog. I don't see him very often but he is the best dog I know. I love that he has to wear little rubber Ruffwear booties to go hiking, that he doesn't smell, that he contemplates like he's considering, before joining other dogs at a dogpark and most of all, I love that it thrills him to walk up to people and flop down on their feet, or knees, or over their stomach.

When one of my friends at work told me recently about her dog's birthday party, I thought to make these biscuits, from  as favours. The recipe is as follows:

230g wholewheat flour
1 tbsp baking powder
260g natural peanut butter
1cup milk

1. Stir flour and baking powder together
2. Whisk the peanut butter and milk till it forms a thick liquid
3. Whisk the wet and dry mixtures till it forms a soft dough
4. Refrigerate for 2 hours at least, wrapped in clingfilm. Roll out on a floured tray and stamp out shapes. Lay the biscuits on a tray and freeze for 10 minutes before baking to retain the shape.
5. Preheat oven to 180C and bake each tray for 20 minutes.

The discuits (dog-biscuits) smelt amazingly appetizing and yet super healthy in the heat of the oven! In making these treats, I used Bob's Red Mill Wholewheat Flour, natural organic peanut butter and low-fat Australian milk. I read though, that some dogs, like humans, are allergic to peanuts and some other nuts, so be careful!

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